Monday, July 14, 2008

Disaster Averted

Just sit right back & you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship.
The mate was a mighty sailing man,
The skipper brave & sure.
Four passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour,
A three hour tour
The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The Minnow would be lost,
The Minnow would be lost.

To make a long story short, we took two inflatable boats out on the delta for a day trip on the Bartram Canoe Trail. Lest you say this is a foolhardy thing to do- well I guess we've learned a lesson or two. The hard way. Heading home, we were overtaken by a thunderstorm. We took shelter in an inlet under the canopy of trees hoping that if lightning couldn't see us, it couldn't stike us. While waiting for the storm to pass I wondered idly if the next boom of thunder would be the last thing I'd hear before arriving at the Lake of Fire, but luckily I don't believe in a place of eternal damnation. At least the rain cooled us off, because by afternoon it certainly was hot as hell.

After the storm let up we ventured out, tired and anxious to get home. Took a wrong turn and as we were making our way out, the first boat snagged on a log. Bubbles exploding out of the water confirmed the worst- a puncture. The second boat turned to help and hooked on an underwater branch.

More bubbles.

Mad scramble for life jackets.

Four people, two disabled boats, one mile from the landing.

No help in sight and more thunderstorms on the way.

So needless to say we spent the next several minutes in a panic. Slowly we realized this was not the Titanic and nobody was going down with the ship. A second assessment of the situation proved we were still afloat and could navigate. Paddling slowly, we limped back to the landing. Wet and bedraggled, but safe and sound at last.

Post Script

After a shower, dry clothes, and a cold beer we decided we would patch the boats and go back out again next week. Except for the last couple of hours, it was a fabulous day! Life's too short to stay home. And as soon as our IRS refund check comes in we'll buy a REAL kayak.

1 comment:

flinging dust said...

I'm glad you are safe and sound. I've only been caught one time in a situation similar to yours and I was scared shitless of being struck by lightening.