Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Family man or pervert

Mr Smith, a unemployed widower, living as a recluse in a cave, claimed to social workers that he had been raped by his daughters after they had first gotten him drunk. The case came to social workers attention after his two pregnant teenagers tried to collect welfare benefits. Mr Smith has a history of alcohol abuse and has previously threatened his daughters.

Based on the above report, pick a correct response:

a) an investigation should be immediately launched against Mr Smith, he should face criminal charges, and his daughters should be removed from the home.

b) Mr Smith is telling the truth, no further action is necessary.

Congratulations if you chose "a". You are a normal rational person.

Open your bibles and read Genesis 19, the story of Lot's daughters. Same story, opposite conclusion. Lot's version of events, unlike the fictitious Mr Smith's, is completely acceptable to those who believe the bible. No one questions this unlikely account, no matter how preposterous it sounds to modern ears.

Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.- KJV

The continuation of Lot's family line is the central point of this bible fable. It originated as a "just so" story about how the Ammonites and Moabites came to be a people, and over time the tale was modified to put the patriarch in a better light. Do not allow the bible to perpetuate the myth that those who are abused in a relationship wanted, instigated, or deserved what they got. Genesis 19 should be read with the understanding that Lot deliberately, willfully, and repeatedly had sexual relations with his daughters. Lot had sex with his daughters for the same twisted sick reasons that men continue to have sex with their daughters today. And like all predators he put the blame on the victim. The bible covers his crimes with lies and encourages others like him.

He was a sick M*F*


Ranting Student said...

God is a horrible Social Services Worker.

He deserves to be stoned...

As for Lot...Pedophile!!

Eli said...

You know, that always seemed plausible to me as a kid, at least modulo the general silliness of the Bible (damn you, childish naivete!), but thinking about it now, that doesn't make any sense at all as it's written. Alcohol, for one thing, doesn't work like that - I can't even conceive of how drunk anybody I know would have to be in order to have sex with their own children (and I've seen some very drunk people). So it does seem very much like there must have been at least a preexisting predilection towards incest on Lot's part, and from there the rest of it falls pretty much all to pieces.

flinging dust said...

Ohhhh, Milo this is a good one! And yep, I chose 'A' right from the get go.

I had never thought of the story of Lot this way before. You've given me food for thought.

Clostridiophile said...


You genius you! Luckily I recognized the story when I read "cave" and "daughters raping their father". The Bible is such a stupid fucking book. What an excuse...if I were to have sex with a seventeen year old girl, do you think a judge would buy "I fell asleep and they had sex with innocence old me"? Ha!!!